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Angie vs. Jen

So this is what happens when you steal a man from a much-loved girl-next-door poster child figure…

You burn in the hell of public scrutiny and ridicule for the rest of your life.

It’s never been a secret that in the love triangle that is Brad Pitt’s life, Angelina (ironically the mother of his – many – children) is the devil, and “Poor Jen” as she is now frequently referred to, is the slighted angel.

Their “rivalry” has been much publicised, and we’ve all seen the media poke and prod and make many many comparisons between the two ladies in Brad’s life. Angelina can’t even buy shampoo without it being implied that she’s buying the same brand as Jen so she can have hair like hers. Since their earth shattering split in 2005, the number of ways in which Angelina is jealous of Jennifer or trying to mimick her, have grown not only in number, but in ridiculousness too.

The latest in the line-up happened after the Oscars a couple of nights ago. Angelina made the mistake of showing up in a gorgeous blank number with a slit all the way up to the ass crack. She proceeded to pose only in ways that would showcase her right leg (her best side I presume?) in all its entirety…which wouldn’t have been a bad thing (its a nice leg as far as legs go), had it not been for the fact that Jennifer Aniston had pulled a very similar move not too long ago. At the 2010 Golden Globes to be exact. And you know what they say, the media monster never forgets.


What made things worse for Angie was that, whilst Jennifer’s showing of her leg seemed quiet natural, Angelina’s very staged pose, which has gone viral and cause endless hours of fun for photoshoppers, was already being mimicked,duringthe awards event, when minutes after presenting him with an award, Jim Rash showed off his own leg pose.


And so the Angie-Jen saga continues, I don’t think it matters that Jen and Brad were only married for five years, whilst Angelina has been with him for seven now, nor that they have six kids together, Angie will always be the man-stealing hussy who broke up Hollywood’s golden couple.

