minx sa

Inspire. Motivate. Laugh. Love….. Your Guilty Pleasure. ♥


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So, since I started blogging, I’ve been reading about NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month).

Basically, this is a challenge to all writers where you are supposed to spend a whole month writing poetry (one poem a day), and the general idea is that whether you think you have something to write about or not, you write.

You write nonsense if you must, but you write, and soon enough, your writing is supposed to improve. By the time you reach Day 30, your poetry writing skills should be on point. Or at least that’s what I think should be happening.

I’ve never taken part before, but on Thursday 21st, the literary world lost a dear soul in the African literary giant, Chinua Achebe, and I feel that in his memory, who am I to be afraid of NaPoWriMo. For those who are not aware who Chinua Achebe is, look out for another post later on today, don’t miss it because he was truly something special.

So anyway, the month started yesterday and I wrote my first piece of crap, I will continue to stick it out for an added 30 Days, and should I write anything worth looking at twice, I will post it for you to review, until then, please pick up your own pencils and pens (and keyboards) and get to writing. If nothing else, it will improve your vocabulary.

Plus, who knows, you might be able to count it as a team activity on your next CV.


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